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Project 1: Precendent Studies

Written Report



Architecture Culture & History II

Compilation of studies and projects focusing on history of modern architecture. 


This project focuses on investigating the Architecture of Modern Masters. The four Modern Masters included within the area of study are Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Walter Gropius. In a group of 5, we had chosen the Robie House by Frank Lloyd Wright to study on. Robie House was one of the most prominent exmples of Prairie style houses mde popular by Frank Lloyd Wright. 


The research components were split into five parts, namely the Spatial Organization, Structure, Materials & Construction, Components, Massing/ Form and The External Facade. I was assigned to study and analysis the Structure, Materials & Construction of the Robie House. 


Through this precedent study project, we gained an understanding on the principle, ideas and contributing factors of the architecture of Modern Masters. We are also able to identify specific architectural features in terms of space planning, technology, details, form and the aesthetics of the architecture of Modern Masters. 


Analysis Board

Project 2: Web Book

Malaysian Houses of Parliament

Klang Valley is a rich source of architectural heritage dated from pre-colonial, colonial, post independence until present times. The historical richness creates a very vibrant architectural fabric. The modern architecture emerges rapidly from 1950’s to 1970’s as the economic growth spurs.

This follows the international style that spreads across the world in 1930’s to 50’s. However, many historical modernistic buildings may face risk of being 

demolished to make way for more contemporary buildings. 


For our second History & Culture II project, we are required to analyse, document and publish an online Web book on local modernist building so that we are able to contribute to preserve the historical evidence of the valuable Modern Architecture in Klang Valley. In a group of five with the same group members from the previous project 1, we have chosen to analyse the Architectural Style and Elements of the Malaysian Houses of Parliament Building located in Kuala Lumpur City Centre. 


The Malaysian Houses of Parliament was completed in 1963, the brainchild of Malaysia's very first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman. The building was built to house the annual meetings of Hall of Representatives and Hall of Senate of Malaysia and is an iconic building in Malaysia that symbolises the spirit of democracy. 


We had scheduled a visit trip to the Parliament building to collect data and information, gained a better understanding towards the Architectural style and movement that influenced the design of thr building. The analysis inventory was split into 5 major parts, namely the Introduction, Architectural Style, Building Construction & Materials, Architectural Elements/ Components and Conclusion. I carried out my analysis and research on the Architectural style of the Parliament building. 



A group photo with our Parliament building guide in front of the Hall of Senate. 



Through this project, we are able to have a better understanding on the principle, ideas and contributing factors of Modern Architecture and identify specific architectural features of Modern Architecture in Klang Valley. By the end of this web book project, we are able to document architectural heirtage in the form of writings, descriptive diagrams and photography and publish a web book as a mean to publish academic materials. 

© 2013 - 15 Sabrina's e-portfolio by Wei Ying Sabrina. All rights reserved.

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