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Architectural Design Studio 4

Project 1 : "Green" Sport's Info-equipment Shed 

Project 1 Presentation Panels

For our very first Design Studio 4 project, in a group of 3, we are required to design a shed structure that responds to the environmental issues and site context. Ideas of environmental sustainability is applied onto the design as well. The info shelter is designed based on the limit of 45m³ volume, to provide shelter, shade, booth and minimal storage area for sports equipment. The site is located at Taylor's University Lakeside Campus' Sports Facilities Area. 


Design Concept and Intention:

  • Aggression â€‹â€‹â€‹


The concept of aggression is derived from the movement of sports where most of the sport being played at the facilities areas are competitive sports which require interactions between the two opposing parties. The design of the Green Info Shelter features a two-piece folding plate structure with cantilevered pointy wings that projects horizontally, acting as the entrances to draw users into the shelter. The shed is designed with only a few points anchored to the ground, forming an edgy silhouette that seems to be perching precariously on the ground. Dual materials (concrete and timber) are opted for the shed design to bring out the clashing difference between the two-piece structure. The pointy tips of the entrances are aligned to the visual axis on site, which is based on the users' access points. The design of the shed is somewhat open and lightweight to promote cross-ventilation to keep the interior cool. The aggressiveness of the shed is brought to a new level as users will experience space distortion while they are in it.

Final Model of Green Sports Info Shelter

Project 2 : Community Development & Engagement Centre

Our selected site for Project 2 is Mah Meri Cultural Village at the Kampung Orang Asli Sungai Bumbun, Pulau Carey, Selangor. We were brought to the island for study visit and students are to explore and understand the historical value, culture, traditions and customs of the Mah Meri Tribe. 


The Mah Meri is an ethnic group native to western part of Peninsular Malaysia. They are of the Senoi subgroup and one of the 18 Orang Asli groups named by the Malaysian Government. Over the time, the tribe has development its own sophisticated set of social hierarchy system, traditions and social customs. The believed in their own set of values and they are distinctive from the rest of the major ethinic groups. Thier lives are heavily influenced by the sea and forest. Thus, they are known as the 'Forest People'.


This project calls for a design of a public building that is catered to the Mah Meri Tribe as well as the public. This community building serves as an interactive and engaging platform between visitors and the Mah Meri Tribe to enable the tribe's social customs and traditions to be fully experienced by the visitors. The building will also focuses on several development programmes that are catered to the Mah Meri people. History and social cultural attributes of the tribe play an important role in designing this community centre as the tribe's culture is the core value and purpose of designing this entire building. Clustered spatial typology is one of the design requirements. Passive design approach are being utilised to create a community centre that merges harmoniously with the nature and site. 


The design requirements for this community centre are as below:

Approximate Floor area: 800 sq m 

Space Requirements: Communal Hall (100 pax), Development Centre (200 sq m), Engagement Centre (100 sq m), Accomodations (3 rooms)

Seperation for public and private access as well as to include facilities and considerations for the disabled.


Later, site analysis is carried out in groups to aid and kick start the community building design process. 

Project 2 Micro and Macro Site Analysis

Project 2 Presentation Panels

Final Model of Community Development & Engagement Centre

Upon completion of project 2, I have learned to design a community building catered to the orang asli and respond to the site (site topography, history and socio-cultural events), functional program and users’ experiences. I have also learned to generate design through conscious consideration of section-plan relationship with considerations of human scale, natural light, materials/texture. I definitely gained alot of first-hand experiences and knowledge in designing a sustainable community building that respond well to the user's need and requirements and site context. By the end of this project, I have definitely understood the genius loci design notion. 

Site Plan and Site Section

Site Plan and Site Section



Existing Structures

Existing Structures



History & Social Cultural

History & Social Cultural

Macro Analysis

Macro Analysis





Practices, Craft & Trades

Practices, Craft & Trades

History & Social Cultural of the Mah Meri Tribe

A group photo with the groupmates. 

Project 2 Interim Panels

Engagement and Development Programmes:


  • Weaving/ Origami Workshop

  • Carving Workshop

  • Herbs and Spices Laboratory 

  • Spice Garden

  • Library

  • Linguistic Centre

  • Carving Gallery

© 2013 - 15 Sabrina's e-portfolio by Wei Ying Sabrina. All rights reserved.

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